

Lea with her dog

Meet the Maker

Hello! I am Lea the woman behind Novel Wares which is based in Michigan. I have over 25 years of experience in the digital design field. I started out as a traditional Graphic Designer but transitioned my career to User Experience Design after a few years. I spent the majority of my career making web sites and mobile apps easier for people to use.

In 2018, I was on the search for something different. I still wanted to use my design skills, but I wanted more control over the end product, heck maybe even touch it. It took a year for me to figure out what I was going to do. I tried lots of different types of arts before I really settled on laser cutting with wood. It was the perfect combination of my love of creating modern design elements, having a physical piece all the while using a natural material. 

In 2019, I started Novel Wares. I wanted share a little bit of the joy I got out creating these pieces with others. To help brighten their spaces and help them express their unique style. 

Please ask any questions if you have them! My email is lea at novelwares.com